The images sourced by NDTV include two unrelated images (above) from separate Air India flights which have operated within the last two weeks. One of the images shows an entire blanket being ...
A passenger on a Rs. 242,000 Air India flight from Chicago to Delhi was dissatisfied with the broken seat, stinky cabin, lack ...
Air India said on Tuesday that all staff, including top management, would travel in economy from April 1 to free up seats for ...
Air India said an investigation later found "polythene bags, rags and clothes that had been flushed down and stuck in the plumbing" of the plane's toilets. It released several pictures showing ...
From a fleet of 26 Boeing 737 NGs and 28 A320 aircraft, the airline has almost doubled its fleet to 100 aircraft. The airline ...
The airline currently has an order book of 570 aircraft—350 from Airbus and 220 from Boeing. Of these, 20 Airbus jets, including six wide-bodies, have already been delivered.