We however thought it no improper measure to take away with us all the lances which we could find about the houses, amounting ...
Danny Chapman is a member of the Aboriginal Fishing Advisory Council, which advises the NSW minister for primary industries on Indigenous issues. The council’s argument, he says, is that a ...
"It's completely inappropriate [to be asked] 'do you feel sorry for this thing you did four years ago', when you've been invited on to give an interview about the fact that you won a fishing ...
Two decades later in 1863 the Victorian government amended its Fisheries Act to prevent net fishing by non-Aboriginal people ...
Bradley Hardy and Brewarrina Aboriginal Fishing Traps. Credit: Bradley Hardy. The Aboriginal fish traps in Brewarrina are among the oldest human constructions in the world. They are made of rocks ...
She begins by exploring the ways in which Aboriginal bodies were materially affected by Canadian Indian policy, which placed restrictions on fishing and hunting, allocated inadequate reserves, forced ...