Perjanjian ZOPFAN dibuat untuk mewujudkan kawasan Asia Tenggara yang damai, bebas, dan netral. Simak tujuan, latar belakang, ...
Dalam konferensi pers di Kuala Lumpur, ia mengatakan, ASEAN tidak sedang "memilih pihak", tetapi berupaya "memastikan relevansi strategis ASEAN dalam dunia multipolar." Meski begitu, menurut Sam ...
Synopsis: Every first and third Tuesday of the month, The Straits Times analyses the beat of the changing environment, from biodiversity conservation to climate change. Fast-growing South-east ...
Lebih lagi, dua sektor pendukung, yakni informasi dan komunikasi, serta aktivitas profesional, ilmiah, dan teknis, juga akan tercantum dalam taksonomi tersebut. Maka, taksonomi ASEAN memiliki kerangka ...
ASEAN is one of the world's fastest-growing economic regions, with a combined population of approximately 690 million. In 2023, its 10 member states reached total GDP of nearly $3.8 trillion, with ...
Hal ini menegaskan komitmen SP dan UPH dalam mendorong kolaborasi serta pengembangan kepemimpinan di antara generasi muda ASEAN. Mengusung tema Environmental Sustainability in ASEAN, YMAC 2025 ...
“As Asean is one of Hong Kong’s closest economic and trade partners in the world and Hong Kong’s second-largest trading partner in goods, the launch of the immigration facilitation scheme ...
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim on Monday said Malaysia would host a joint summit in May with China, Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The ...
ASEAN, now under Malaysian leadership, is well-equipped to manage international challenges in 2025 due to its vibrant economy, strategic political toolkit and extensive foreign investment, including ...
While this alignment presents opportunities, it may challenge ASEAN’s cohesion and principle of centrality. Malaysia sees BRICS as a platform to strengthen its renewable energy and technology sectors.
JAKARTA: Japan is invested in deepening ties with ASEAN to the tune of more than US$250 million in funds for cultural exchanges over the next decade, its ambassador to the regional grouping said.