Att skapa rätt förutsättningar för en bra pension – och möjligheten att leva det liv man längtat efter – kan vara en av de viktigaste förmåner en arbetsgivare erbjuder. SPP:s AI-drivna drömgenerator ...
Jessica Frej sätter ner foten. Det är kommentarerna om hennes kropp som gör att tv-kocken nu tar bladet från munnen. – Fattar ...
This month marks the release of the 51st issue of Elska, a project dedicated to exploring the world through a gay lens. This latest edition focuses on Buenos Aires, the iconic Argentinian capital.
Among the more reliable sources of anxiety, conflict and drama in fiction are the family, the battlefield and the hospital—“Berlin ER” being a combination of the three, with a bonus dose of ...
But the shooting can serve as a reminder that there are options other than a hospital ER for getting help, specifically by calling 988 or by going to a 24/7 psychiatric crisis center, mental ...
The actor looks back on his time playing Dr. John Carter on the NBC medical drama and his crossover with 'Friends' Fotos International/Getty During the early days of Noah Wyle's time on ER ...
Ever since ER debuted 31 years ago, viewers have seen big city emergency rooms as malestroms of activity, with doctors, nurses, orderlies and other staff swarming around patients and rooms at all ...
En återgång till ett liv i det civila är mer osannolikt. ‒ Kriget har lämnat så djupa spår i mig att det i princip kommer att vara mycket svårt att leva utan det.
Apple TV+ is set to take audiences deep into the high-stakes world of emergency medicine with “Berlin ER” (formerly KRANK Berlin), a raw and unflinching German-language drama premiering ...
She’s working full-time, and I’ve got ER shifts. Years ago, I watched ER, and I loved that show at the start when it was really about the medicine, but less so as the show understandably had ...