A US plane's engine has caught fire after it diverted to land in Denver, forcing passengers to flee using the plane's slides and leaving 12 people injured.
An American Airlines plane caught fire while sitting at a gate at Denver International Airport on Thursday, prompting slides to be deployed so passengers could evacuate quickly.
A fire on an American Airlines plane after it diverted mid-flight and landed at Denver International Airport sent fleeing ...
Hibbitts, a Colorado Springs resident, and her family were among the 172 passengers and six crew who evacuated the burning Boeing 737-800 after authorities say the plane caught fire while taxiing ...
Passengers on an American Airlines flight that burst into flames in Colorado on Thursday described chaos as the cabin filled ...
Dozens of passengers were forced to stand on the wing of an American Airlines plane at Denver International Airport as they ...
A March 6 letter to Alaska Airlines pilots from the chair of their union safety committee downplays the risk from a flaw in ...
While taxiing to the gate, an engine on the Boeing 737-800 caught fire, the FAA added. Photos and videos posted by news outlets showed passengers standing on a plane’s wing as smoke surrounded ...
Washington, Colorado, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania have all been scenes of terryifing accidents and emergencies that has led ...
The Texas-bound Boeing 737-800 was diverted ... Aviation Administration. “[The plane] landed, everything was fine, but then there was smoke filling the cabin,” said Michele Woods, who was ...