The brand new Chat Cafe started at the Balsam Centre last month, resulting from the Good Stuff project's public consultation earlier in the year. Every other Monday it provides an opportunity to come ...
The 1st Wincanton Scout Group covers Wincanton and the neighbouring villages. Over the past few years a number of key volunteers have stepped away. For the Group to continue to flourish we really need ...
Racing returns to Wincanton Racecourse this Wednesday 9th October; a week earlier than initially planned. Entry is just £10 per person to this additional meeting which was originally allocated to ...
Well who can believe it? We have now been open for three and a half years already! I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the People and Businesses in Wincanton and surrounding districts ...
Tell everyone what's happening in town! Submit your events, occasions and dates to the Calendar, even if you've already written an article about it. Help us maintain Wincanton's most definitive ...
We are a friendly and close-knit practice made up of GPs, practice nurses, a nurse practitioner, health care assistants and the district nursing team, and we are supported by our practice manager, ...
This year’s Nicholson Lecture takes place on 2nd and 3rd August in aid of Maperton Church and the Army Benevolent Fund. The church is something of a hidden jewel; set in a stunning location, anyone ...
Helen Chesterman of Bayford runs her own solo business making cakes for special occasions. "So what?" you may say. "What’s so special about that?" The answer is immediately obvious as soon as you see ...