For his students and others who derive inspiration from his life, research, publications and lectures, in shot by his very being, Gananath has set very high scholarly standards. He encouraged critical ...
As the Zionist Occupier of Palestinian lands resumed its genocidal campaign, once again wiping out entire Palestinian families, it is utterly shameful that the world continues to either hide behind ...
The Al Jazeera end February 2025 count of the genocide was at least 62,000 deaths and 111,588 injured. Among the dead are at least 17,500 children. Add to this the murders committed during this month.
This is our Lenten Season. By my father’s regimen, we had at home fish and no meat on Lenten weekdays and not even fish on Fridays. But Sunday was feast day. The vegetarian Nallur Bhavan gives good ...
A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.” ~ Socrates The relationships ...
Gananath Obeyesekere’s contribution to anthropology is vast and varied, and few have combined theory and empirical fact so skillfully as he has done. At the time he graduated from the University of ...
The world that supports the Rule-Based International Order anticipates a bold new foreign aid strategy from the Trump administration. Sri Lanka, given its pivotal geo-strategic location within the ...
The Constitutional prohibitions on dual- and non-citizens in Articles 88-91 are only for voting for President and for MPs and at Referenda; not for local authority elections. However, there is a ...
A female doctor serving in a provincial hospital had been sexually assaulted by a criminal, in her own quarters. Outraged, the doctor’s union decided on collective punishment of the entire community, ...
President JR Jayewardene and his team succeeded in raising generous international assistance, most of it coming in the form of grants, that helped to accelerate the envisaged 30 year Mahaweli ...
While former President Ranil Wickremesinghe ‘s name could not be divorced from the subject, his culpability, his alleged guilt and his alleged vicarious involvement in the cruel acts committed upon ...