The life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and the rest of the population remains two decades wide. Despite the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reporting that the ...
Al Jazeera’s 101 East – As the Black Lives Matter movement spreads across the globe, we investigate Australia’s Indigenous incarceration crisis. Across Australia, Indigenous people are ...
Last year in Western Australia an ill female prisoner was denied every dignity and carted naked, handcuffed, in the back of a prisoner transport vehicle to a hospital. Last year in South Australian ...
This post contains disability and racial hate speech. This is Neil. Neil is a retard. Imbecile, dummy, stupid, idiot, subnormal, a mongol, defective, dimwitted, mentally defective, moronic, slow, ...
The (West Australian) South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council’s CEO, Glen Kelly, has this morning met with Elders from the Swan Valley Nyungah Communty. Yesterday their former homes were demolished ...
The Northern Territory and Australian Governments are delivering unprecedented opportunities to resource mining companies while at the same time by comparison doing very little for the majority of ...
Mandatory sentencing negatively impacts First Peoples in ways and in rates of incarceration that prove that they are targeted – racialised. Nowhere is this more pronounced than in Western Australia ...
We will be damned by the future if we sit quiet on any dispossession of Homelands – ‘remote communities’ – just as we damn the past for similar brutal dispossessions, for the evil of the Stolen ...
“If austerity were tested like a medication in a clinical trial, it would have been stopped long ago, given its deadly side effects…. One need not be an economic ideologue – we certainly aren’t – to ...
In the tourist mecca of the Maldives, a teenage girl who was repeatedly raped by her stepfather has been sentenced to 100 lashes. There has been no public outcry by the world’s governments or by ...
In a recent article in The Sunday Times the Australian Liberty Alliance announced with some considerable fanfare that Dr Marion Hercock was to be their new senate candidate. Dr Hercock is an academic ...
Gerry Georgatos – In 2014, I disaggregated to the Kimberley’s First Nations peoples, the nation’s highest suicide rate, one of the world’s highest, at over 70 suicides per 100,000 population (First ...