Bird Island, about 4.5km to the south-west of Stephen’s Peak, West Falkland, is captured on the 3p stamp. The 27p stamp features Eddystone Rock, charmingly first described by Elizabethan ...
But when they arrived at their new home – a 200,000-acre sheep farm on West Falkland called Port Howard, where dad had secured a job as bookkeeper/storekeeper – they discovered the family they ...
The Falkland Islands Government and Workboat Service Ltd, WSL, the company which owns the ferry linking East and West Falkland, have informed that the service will be suspended for an estimated ...
Cat boops. Sea lion boops? You bet. A young South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) approaches divers off the coast of the West Falkland Islands, curious about the human visitors. He playfully ...
Rather, the concern is that it will try to humiliate the UK by sending a special forces team to plant Argentina's flag in a ...