Give Mahler a cheery nursery-rhyme ditty and he’ll turn it into the bleakest of gallows marches. Don’t believe us? Have a listen to the opening of the third movement of the First Symphony.
From a vast and mysterious opera rehearsal stage (Gustav Mahler's "home away from home" for much of his life), San Francisco Symphony Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas (MTT) introduces us to ...
An all-day marathon of youth orchestras from around L.A. proves to be a highlight of the L.A. Phil's Mahler Grooves festival, ...
Among other Mahler symphony cycles, only Gielen’s SWR traversal (it does not include Das Lied) possibly rivals Bertini for sonic and interpretive consistency. Yet Hänssler’s relatively uneconomical 13 ...
Gustav Mahler's "Resurrection" and "Tragic" symphonies, and Antonio Vivaldi's "Four Seasons." Soprano Angela Brown will sing a work about the life of Coretta Scott King that the symphony co ...
Get Access To Every Broadway Story Unlock access to every one of the hundreds of articles published daily on BroadwayWorld by logging in with one click. On February 21 and 22, 2025, at 7:30 PM ...