A subsidiary of Kyushu Railway Co. (JR Kyushu) concealed water leakage into a high-speed ferry connecting Japan and South Korea. Under the direction and approval of its president, the ferry ...
it has faced increasing competition from budget airlines and other ferry services linking Busan with Japanese ports. (This article was written by Satoru Eguchi and Daisuke Hatano.) ...
Here’s a look at major ferry and ship sinking disasters throughout history. This timeline is not-all inclusive; various incidents with at least 1,000 fatalities are listed. Death tolls vary by source.
Shares in South Korean shipbuilders HD Hyundai Heavy Industries and Hanwha Ocean rose more than 15% and 16%, respectively, today, after two U.S. Phoenix Group of Virginia has created DCIMSS, an ...
then we recommend the Korea-Japan Ferry routes. The 14-hour overnight relaxation on the Busan to Shimonoseki Ferry is a great way to relax between countries and also explore a little culture on ...
Life Voyages on a Sea of Japan Ferry A ferry takes 16 hours to sail between Niigata Prefecture and Otaru, Hokkaido Prefecture. For three days, we asked passengers why they take this leisurely mode ...
TASS/. The government of Russia’s Sakhalin Region plans to launch a ferry service between the Island of Sakhalin and Japan’s Hokkaido Island, Sakhalin Region Governor Oleg Kozhemyako told TASS ...
Mitsui OSK Lines is forging ahead in the growth of its cruise ship business by acquiring another secondhand vessel. The Tokyo ...