Re/insurer to underwrite first risks on innovative scheme that could provide up to €5bn in coverage over five years for Ukraine SMEs.
Despite country risk and the Middle East and North Africa region's challenging regional geopolitical conditions, the rating ...
BMS Group has completed the acquisition of insurance broker Rasher, which specialises in surety, credit, finance and risk ...
New head of Acrisure Re Corporate Advisory & Solutions has a capital markets background at Stonybrook Capital and former ...
Leadership at Lloyd's, the market's stellar performance in recent results, and the need for underwriting discipline in future ...
Gallagher Specialty released the Q1 iteration of its structured credit and political risk study, highlighting shifts in ...
Verisk's Tim Rayner spoke to GR on challenges of navigating technological changes in a complex marketplace, and opportunities ...
Insurance services firm Davies said technology was expanding its North American arm, focused on claims administration and ...
AXA XL's UK & Lloyd's business unit announced the appointment of a new specialty CUO who joins from Marsh, plus a new head of ...
Estefania López and Harry Bassett take new roles within the insurer's London market political violence and terrorism (PVT) ...
A "strategic collaboration with its US office" would increase its capabilities, the Japanese re/insurance group said.
Tom Meyer joins from rival reinsurance broker Gallagher and takes over the London market role from Paul Upton, who will chair ...