Alvaro Jaramillo, 26, and Isabel Estrin, 24, began building a “relationship” with the 16-year-old over Instagram on Oct. 10, ...
A married couple from Aventura is accused of sexually abusing a 16-year-old girl, with whom they had an ongoing sexual ...
An Aventura married couple is facing serious charges for allegedly grooming a 16-year-old girl into having a sexual and ...
La policía arrestó a una pareja casada de Aventura el martes después de acusar a la pareja de tener una relación sexual y de ...
Las autoridades dijeron que Isabel Estrin, de 24 años, y Álvaro Jaramillo, de 26, conocieron a la adolescente el 9 de diciembre después de comunicarse con ella en Instagram a partir de octubre.
Authorities said Isabel Estrin, 24, and Alvaro Jaramillo, 26, first met the teen on Dec. 9 after communicating with her on Instagram beginning in October. They said the victim was accompanied by ...