Emmett Till’s mother declined an offer from the mortician to “touch up” her son’s body, and she made the decision to have an open casket funeral. “I think everybody needed to know what ...
The last living person to see Emmett Till alive celebrated his memory in ... "I was in denial," said Rev. Parker Jr. "I went to the funeral and said 'that's not him'; I was in shock or something ...
Emmett's death served as a catalyst for the civil-rights movement, and his mom Mamie Till-Mobley famously insisted on an open-casket funeral because "I wanted the world to see what they did to my ...
September 3, 1955 Emmett Till's body is taken to Chicago's Roberts Temple Church of God for viewing and funeral services. Emmett's mother decides to have an open casket funeral. Thousands of ...
We need to tell the stories. It’s what Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr. has been doing for 70 years, and it’s what he did again Friday in Lincoln for a small group who gathered to hear Emmett Till’s ...
That Emmett Till’s body even made it to Chicago from Mississippi demonstrates ... city leaders declared Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ a City of Chicago Landmark in recognition of the ...
(KTAL/KMSS) – A play about Emmett Till that features a local cast will ... Emmett’s mother Mamie had an open-casket funeral for young Emmett because she wanted “the world to see” what ...