The film showcases military history through scenes at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied ... of women in war, from Revolutionary War nurses to female soldiers in World War I and II.
In the opening hours of World War II, in the early morning skies over Poland, both the Axis and the Allied side had aerial victories and aerial “firsts”, some involving unlikely and obscure ...
Hundreds of thousands of trapped Germans either surrendered or were killed by Allied pincers. British and American fighters blanketed the skies above nearly 2 ... war eventually turned into a ...
Strange relationships are formed by war, not least that of the USSR and Great Britain in World War Two. The invasion of Russia by Nazi Germany in 1941 shattered their formerly expedient pact and ...
It was thanks to former WWI pilot Tommy Hitchcock that the P-51 entered U.S service — and changed the skies over Europe ...
The Treaty of Versailles, which was signed on June 28, 1919, was intended to bring peace following World War I — but instead ...
Even before U.S. forces formally entered the global conflict, the U.S. government was implicitly aiding the allied governments ... during the course of World War II, including hundreds of ...