Winston Churchill, in a famous speech in Fulton, Mo., stated that a Soviet Union "Iron Curtain" had "descended across" Europe ...
A thief who swiped a golden toilet from an English palace was convicted Tuesday along with an accomplice who helped cash in ...
Christie's held an auction for "The Bay of Eze," a painting by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. With fees and all, the painting ended up selling for 945,000 pounds.
In August 1941, about four months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Franklin Roosevelt met with Winston Churchill aboard ... provocations — this was a day of American infamy.
4 Men Charged After Golden Toilet from Winston Churchill's Birthplace Was Stolen Jones is the second man to be found guilty for theft after the burglary’s mastermind, James Sheen, pleaded guilty ...
The Powassan, Ont., man accused of stealing one of the world's most famous portraits from the Château Laurier and switching ...