After sifting through ocean current data dating back three decades, researchers at the Florida Atlantic University (FAU) have ...
Scientists use satellite data to find ocean zones where trash naturally gathers for easier, faster, and cleaner clean-up.
Ocean currents respond to changes in temperature, salt levels, wind patterns and sea ice extent. So the global ocean conveyor belt is vulnerable to climate change on multiple fronts. Previous ...
Until now, a global evaluation of ocean current energy with actual data was lacking. Using 30 years of NOAA's Global Drifter Program data, a study shows that ocean currents off Florida's East Coast ...
Researchers identified a strong negative North Atlantic Oscillation in 2009–2010 as the tipping point that pushed sargassum ...
Part of the system that pumps water, heat and nutrients around the globe is at risk. Climate change could slow the Antarctic ...
These models indicated that sargassum was taken up by wind and ocean currents, and moved from the Sargasso Sea eastward, then southward, and then into the tropics. Additional modeling suggested that ...
As global electricity demand grows, traditional energy sources are under strain. Oceans, which cover more than 70% of Earth's ...
Scientists warned on Thursday that the long-term health of Inuit hunters in eastern Greenland was under threat, due to so-called "forever chemicals" in the atmosphere and their diet of polar bear ...
and have then been pushed north by wind and ocean currents until they reach warmer seas and melt away entirely. Since Antarctica has had a large ice cap for around 34 million years, the remote ...
then pushed north by wind and ocean currents until they reach warmer seas and melt away entirely. Since Antarctica has had a large ice cap for around 34 million years, the remote islands around ...