Sask. won't get any new wild boar farms, but expert says population still out of control Without intervention, 'superpigs' ...
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wants people to eat more invasive species. You can get nutria, wild pigs, carp and northern snakeheads in Mississippi ...
Alas, pigs are not closely related to bears at all. In terms of the ancestral tree, humans are more closely related to bears ...
Manitoba’s feral swine problem is not the same as the wild pig problem in the U.S., Squeal on Pigs co-ordinator says.
Lacombe County has joined more than 20 other Alberta rural municipalities and banned wild boar. The bristle-backed menaces ...
Invasive species can have a significant economic impact ... grilled or blackened. Feral hogs/pigs or wild boar (sus scrofa) are wreaking havoc on property, crops, forests and wetlands in several ...