A giant whale shark, estimated to weigh 2,000 kg, washed ashore in Kochuveli after getting entangled in a fishing net, ...
Whales are a group of mammals that live in oceans. They include some of the largest animals on Earth. The blue whale is the ...
Whale sharks entangled in fishing nets off Thiruvananthapuram coast highlight lack of compensation for fishers, conservation ...
Forest veterinary doctors who conducted the necropsy have collected samples of heart and muscle for a detailed ...
Unusual ocean events like the surfacing of oarfish, mass whale strandings, and anglerfish near shore indicate potential ...
Whale excrement plays a vital role in ocean ecosystems by releasing iron and other essential nutrients into surface waters ...
Cyber criminals posed as the company’s director, messaged its accounts manager asking him to make the fund transfer ...
New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, ...