In 2024, scientists made headlines when they found evidence of copious amounts of water inside a layer of the Martian crust.
More than 3 billion years ago, Mars intermittently had liquid water on its surface. After the planet lost much of its ...
In the 1970s, images from the NASA Mariner 9 orbiter revealed water-sculpted surfaces on Mars. This settled the once-controversial question of whether water ever rippled over the red planet.
Water once existed in abundance of at the surface of Mars. How much of that water has been stored in the planet's crust is still unclear, according to a new analysis.
“If liquid water exists on Mars,” said Ikuo Katayama ... InSight detected over 1,300 marsquakes and sent nearly 7,000 images of the planet’s surface to Earth. Some of the seismic data ...
Scientists cont... Reports from NASA’s Curiosity rover reveal evidence of ancient liquid water on Mars, challenging previous models. Images from Gale Crater show wave-like ripples, similar to ...
likely during a time when the planet had a denser atmosphere that could retain heat and thus liquid water. The Viking images showed what looked like a shoreline around a large portion of Mars ...
A groundbreaking study, financed in part by NASA, reveals the mystery behind Mars' iconic red color, linking it to the presence of water-rich iron mineral ferrihydrite, suggesting a cooler, wetter, ...
The last Martin Mars flying boat made its final flight last week, marking the end for a World War II-era seaplane so hulking it had rockets to assist with take-off. Initially developed as maritime ...