Operation Barney was conceptualized by Vice Admiral Lockwood to avenge the loss of Wahoo and her intrepid crew.
The US Navy's oldest submarine still in active service has returned to the fleet after three years of maintenance. The USS Ohio finished major repairs last month and is now certified for ...
The Carl Vinson and its escorts reached Naval Base Guam on Tuesday, the 7th Fleet announced in a news release that day. The group will likely resupply there before heading to the Middle East, where ...
His focus is on security and defense issues in the Western Pacific region ... respectively. The United States Navy aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson is escorted into a navy port in Busan, South ...
The US Navy has the USS Ronald Reagan and her Carrier ... alongside the amphibious ship USS Tripoli, according to a Pacific Fleet spokeswoman quoted by EFE. As the relationship between China ...
the Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum (formerly the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum & Park) sits in Pearl Harbor. This historic vessel, which went on nine patrols during World War II, is one of only 15 U ...
A detachment of F-35Bs arrived aboard a U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship cruising in the Indo-Pacific region this week. The amphibious assault ship is replacing another forward deployed U.S. Navy ...