On the same day, as if to underscore the futility of the whole conversation, Gallup published its latest numbers on trust in the media. The pollster announced that today “trust in the mass media is at ...
As a New York Times columnist and a professor at Duke University, Frank Bruni can relate if people are a little bit leery ...
Americans’ trust in the media to report the news fairly and accurately has sunk to its lowest point in more than five decades. Just 31 percent of respondents in Gallup’s latest survey on the ...
Gallup still asks that question of consumers, and trust in media is now at an all-time low ... and every quarter we sit down with the heads of those newsrooms and we say, ‘What’s on the ...
WASHINGTON – Prominent journalists and executives of several news organizations were confronted with the question of how the media restores trust among the American people. Semafor, the digital ...
This Indo-German Fellowship for Journalists takes the concept of trust as a starting point for a broad examination of the current media landscape in both countries. This becomes our point of departure ...
there are also steps members of the media can do to win back trust. For example, he said some media outlets can "turn down the temperature" by publishing or broadcasting reports that are less ...