Despite growing interest in deep-sea mining, much of the deep ocean, particularly the midwater zone, remains poorly understood. A 2023 study in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone found that 88% to 92% of ...
Every adaptation that Bathydevius has developed to live in the midnight zone, classified as the deep waters that exist ...
Bathydevius caudactylus swims through the ocean's midnight zone with a large gelatinous hood and paddle-like tail, and lights up with brilliant bioluminescence. The team published a description of ...
When a male anglerfish finds his mate in the pitch-black expanse of the deep sea, he uses his sharp teeth to latch onto her ...
“We can't say what the cause was that pushed the anglerfishes into the deep open ocean,” says Brownstein. “However, we can say that their distinctive adaptation to life in the midnight zone, sexual ...