Truth and Reconciliation Commission finds decades of illegal overseas adoption enabled by government negligence ...
Industry ministers from Japan, China, and South Korea have returned to the idea of free trade between their countries. This ...
The collective rise of developing countries continues to gain momentum with the Global South playing an increasingly pivotal ...
The South, Southeast, and West Asia (SSEWA) Outreach Program offers professional development programs for K-14 educators in Colorado. We aim to help deepen educators' knowledge of these Asian regions, ...
Female entrepreneurs in South Asia have been described as “silent contributors”, as their input to the economy and society is ...
Sidharto Reza Suryodipuro, director-general and senior official for Association of Southeast Asian Nations cooperation at ...
How are people in South Korea reacting to the arrest of President Yoon Suk Yeol. Will this deepen or help resolve the political crisis in the country? Schoni Song gives his first insights from Seoul.
Urbanization provides South Asian countries with the potential to transform their economies to join the ranks of richer nations in both prosperity and livability. A new World Bank report finds the ...
South Asia will add between 1 million and 1.2 million new entrants to the labor force every month for the next two decades, the latter if female participation in the labor force rises at the pace ...
South Korea and the United States have agreed to work together to swiftly resolve any fallout from the U.S. Department of ...