Another great Sepoy mutiny is near. In the villages of India preparations for a mighty revolution are already in progress.” The Sepoy (Indian soldiers) mutiny of 1857 was put down only after ...
As a result, in March 1857, a sepoy named Mangal Pandey attacked his British officer and was executed. By May, the rebellion spread as tens of thousands of other sepoys turned on their officers ...
CHENNAI: Just a month after her wedding, Soni Bisht lost her husband, Sepoy Neeraj Singh Bhandari of 18 Kumaon Regiment, in an accident in Jan 2023. Instead of succumbing to grief, she chose to ...
Soldier of Pak Army Syed Ameen Afridi who embrace martyrdom at Western Border in an attack of terrorists was was laid to rest with full military honour in Akakhel area of district Khyber today.