hence the composite name “Khoisan” adopted by the auther—K hoi = Hottentot and San = Bushman. We are therefore grateful to Dr. Schapera for taking the trouble to assemble all the available ...
Here, 100 members of one of the world's oldest cultures, the Witdraai Bushmen, or San people, are the sole inhabitants; they have called this harsh landscape home for thousands of years.
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Consilience No. 13, 2015 The Botswana Bushmen’s Fight for Water &... The Botswana Bushmen’s Fight ...
After spending many years filming with San-Bushmen master trackers in the Kalahari desert of Botswana I returned to my kelp forest home and began a protocol of diving every day for a period of ...