Know about Poso Airport in detail. Find out the location of Poso Airport on Indonesia map and also find out airports near to Poso. This airport locator is a very useful tool for travelers to know ...
There is also a ripple effect. Residents alarmed over massive changes to lakefront region: 'The most heart-broken were the ...
Over the course of just eight years, the forests surrounding Indonesia’s Lake Poso, an ecological and evolutionary “gem” on the island of Sulawesi, have been whittled away, satellite data ...
di Sausu," kata Hery kepada BBC News Indonesia, Rabu (02/01). Menurut polisi, kelompok Ali Kalora memiliki teritori di sekitar pegunungan di wilayah Kabupaten Poso, hingga Kabupaten Parigi Mouton.
18 Januari 2016 Para pendukung kelompok yang menamakan diri mereka Negara Islam atau ISIS di Indonesia ditengarai akan memusatkan perhatian mereka ke Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, setelah serangan di ...