said PHINEAS T., addressing Pat ... We leave our readers to imagine 'BARNUM's face next morning, when the proprietor of the saloon handed him a bill -- " For shaving irishman 10 cents, cutting ...
COMMENT | Phineas T Barnum was the owner of a very popular circus. He once said, “Any publicity, whether good or bad, is good publicity”. Barnum’s point was simple: “Nothing is worse than ...
Taking their cut from the late Phineas T. Barnum, the Maintenance Department men have painted, in large white letters on the new exits from Sever Hall, "Emergency Egress Only." It was Barnum who ...
How 21 elephants solved panic on Brooklyn Bridge 139 years ago thanks to PT Barnum ...
T. Barnum. Or, to give him his full name, Phineas Taylor Barnum. Barnum has been called many things. For example, 'The 19th century impresario who found fame by exploiting circus 'freaks'.' ...
Orphaned, penniless, but ambitious and with a mind crammed with imagination and fresh ideas, the American entertainer, Phineas Taylor Barnum, will always be remembered as the man with the gift to ...
I wonder if P.T. gave them out on a regular basis or did my relatives get something special? Bruce, Kanata, Ont. A When two promoters of the highest order, Phineas Barnum and James Bailey combined ...
Orphaned, penniless, but ambitious and with a mind crammed with imagination and fresh ideas, the American entertainer, Phineas Taylor Barnum, will always be remembered as the man with the gift to ...