An audio recording of the 911 call that notified authorities of the murder of four University of Idaho students in November 2022 was released to media outlets and others Friday.
MOSCOW, Idaho — City officials are closely monitoring ... Hogg Creek and the South Fork of the Palouse River as rising temperatures and rainfall contribute to rapid snowmelt.
MOSCOW, Idaho -- The City of Moscow Public Works Department ... Hogg Creek and the South Fork of the Palouse River for flooding impacts. Rain and warmer temps are in the weekend forecast.
The Palouse Audubon Society is now accepting grant applications for graduate students focused on protecting and restoring ...
too," said Humane Society of the Palouse Shelter Director Sierah Beeler. Moscow Middle School teacher Kari Golightly said each student made at least one cat toy, which amounted to 600 toys total.
But one of the most interesting earthworms of all — the giant Palouse earthworm, native to the Palouse prairie grassland — is literally being ousted from its home turf by modern agriculture and other ...
PULLMAN, Wash. – Power outages impacted about 2,000 Avista customers Sunday in the midst of flooding in eastern Washington and north Idaho. According to Avista, crews are working on ...
KLEW CBS 3 is Lewiston, Idaho's news leader, providing coverage of local and national stories, weather, sports and local ...