Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, Bd. 33, European Sources for Sub-Saharan Africa Before 1900: Use and Abuse (1987), pp. 263-287 (25 pages) ...
ORAL TRADITIONS EVOLVE INTO GOSPELS We have to remember that Jesus died around 30. For 40 years, there's no written gospel of his life, until after the revolt. During that time, we have very ...
But the “proto-Talmudic” tradition was “transmitted orally for centuries.” It seems that Jesus was familiar with many oral ideas, later written down. This oral tradition is analogous to ...
WRITTEN TRADITION. Two different types of usage of the term are possible. On the one hand, we are dealing with a so called ‘naive recording’ (remembering) of the oral text, probably, for the purpose ...