Indian junior powerlifting champion Yashtika Acharya, 17, has died after a barbell weighing 595 lbs crushed her neck in a gym accident, according to local media reports ...
Linda Leightley's proud granddaughter posted a TikTok video showing her 80-year-old Grandma breaking four world records as a powerlifter! WOW!
A SEVENTEEN-year-old champion powerlifter was crushed to death by her own 270kg barbell which snapped her neck in a gym. Yashtika Acharya, from Rajasthan, western India, was a promising young ...
Gold Medalist Death News: In a tragic incident, Yashtika Acharya- a 17-year-old gold-medallist powerlifter, died during training in Rajasthan's Bikaner gym after a 270-kg barbell slipped and fell ...
BIKANER, India (WKRC) - A 17-year-old junior gold medalist powerlifter reportedly died after a 595-pound barbell crushed her neck during training. According to the Times of India, 17-year-old ...