Falling from heights is another type of accident that can happen, especially in construction environments. It is still quite ...
To figure out which jobs are the deadliest in the 2020s, FVF Law Firm examined data from the BLS's 2022 Census of Fatal ...
When injuries do occur, Purdue University follows the Worker's Compensation and Occupational Disease Act of Indiana which provides protection for university employees who are injured while carrying ...
The Labour Department says the levels of 18 types of compensation available to employees injured at work or suffering from ...
Azaroff, Lenore S, Chareles Levenstein, and David H. Wegman (2002) "Occupational Injury and Illness Surveillance: Conceptual Filters Explain Under-Reporting." American Journal of Public Health, 92 (9) ...
She is passionate about using surveillance data to identify occupational injury trends, as well as presenting complex statistics in easy to digest formats for all audiences. Amber received her ...
Occupational Health and Safety Bureau has submitted a petition to the state’s Environmental Improvement Board to adopt a ...
The Occupational Safety Section is responsible for ensuring OSHA compliance and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for staff, students, and visitors. If you have any questions or concerns ...
The risk of infection following a needlestick injury is very low. There have been no definite cases of HIV infection among healthcare workers following an occupational needlestick injury in the UK ...