Mumbai police are investigating the break-in and reviewing CCTV footage. NEWDELHI: Bollywood actor SaifAliKhan was stabbed during a reported burglary attempt at his 11th-floor Bandra ...
The face of the man who allegedly stabbed Bollywood actor SaifAliKhan during a home invasion early Thursday has been revealed in new CCTV footage. Khan underwent emergency neurosurgery ...
"When the BJP's double-engine government can't ensure the safety of celebrities like SaifAliKhan, what can the common people expect?" "Such attacks are not new. There was a shooting outside ...
SaifAliKhan was attacked in his house on Thursday. NEWDELHI: As some reports claimed the involvement of Lawrence Bishnoi's gang behind the attack on actor SaifAliKhan at his ...
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The Additional District and Sessions Court, Sealdah on held accused Sanjay Roy “guilty” of rape and murder of an on-duty doctor at the state-run R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital.