Discover the largest Muslim country by population, where hundreds of millions of Muslims call it home and live with its religious influence.
His Highness Prince Karim al-Hussaini Aga Khan IV, leader of Ismaili Muslims worldwide, died Feb. 4. Almas Muscatwalla writes ...
KUALA LUMPUR -- Islamic finance is expanding across Southeast Asia, attracting new players and products as institutions seek to tap what is still a relatively small sector in most countries.
The tensions showed how right-wing Hindu leaders and organizations in India use historical grievances to fuel contemporary ...
In 2010, the Muslim population in the Asia-Pacific region was 61.7 percent ... India will become the country with the largest Muslim population, surpassing Indonesia. By 2050, the Muslim ...
Police in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka used tear gas and sound grenades on Friday to disperse hundreds of members of the banned militant group Hizb-ut-Tahrir seeking to march to demand the country's ...