The most commonly seen flag during these protests is the Mexican flag, while American flags are rarely spotted. If these groups’ goals are simply to gather and express outrage at the president’s ...
Click here to sign up. Previous iterations of the Mexican flag once flew over this land, a land, we are told, where the people who found the eagle perched atop the cactus with a serpent in its ...
New Mexico's flag shows the Zia sun sign. To the Zia people the circle represents prosperity and happiness. Four is a sacred number related to the four directions and seasons. Crimson and gold are ...
I understand the energy and enthusiasm of youth, but cooler heads in the Latino community in Phoenix and Los Angeles might want to stage an intervention with their young protesters. In these two ...
Screengrab from Kern County Sheriff's Office's Instagram page A woman was arrested after she was accused of taking down a United States flag at a public park and replacing it with a Mexican flag ...