Four years after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg pivoted to the metaverse, the idea is now considered one of tech’s biggest recent ...
The Metaverse is now headed to the tech ... which recklessly followed Zuckerberg into blowing billions of dollars on a hype cycle founded on the flimsiest possible press-release language.
“I think pronouncing the metaverse dead is great because it's just part of the usual hype cycle,” he says. “Everything has its initial hype, then it dies, then we build it. Last ...
For years, the tech industry has been obsessed with the next ‘big thing’. Blockchain, AI voice assistants, the metaverse – ...
A lot has been made about the metaverse and its potential, but in many ways it has failed so far to live up to its hype. At the WSJ’s Tech Live conference, Phil Libin, co-founder and CEO of ...
A tech founder compared today's hype around the metaverse with Soviet propaganda he experienced as a child. Phil Libin, the founder of the note-taking app Evernote and the CEO of the ...
Phil Libin of All Turtles and Herman Narula of Improbable debate the opportunities and challenges of the metaverse, along with possible applications for businesses and consumers.
A typical day in the metaverse – a shared immersive virtual world – may before long closely resemble the familiar world we live in. We will visit shopping centres, drive across town, meet ...
Thomas Franklin, founder and CEO of, a cryptocurrency marketplace, believes that while the metaverse is not dead, the initial hype around it is ... beyond an initial and limited publicity ...