The Clevelanders, so crystalline and affectionate in a work like Ravel's Valses nobles et sentimentales (DG, 2/99), turned disquietingly faceless in Mahler's Seventh (DG, 6/96). And yet their account ...
We know, we know, enough death already. But this is Mahler, he’s basically all about death. Sorry. The Second Movement of the Fourth Symphony is a Scherzo and is said to have been inspired by a ...
The opening goes off like a cartoon alarm clock, shrill and insistent, the ensuing march more satirical, almost more Prokofiev than Shostakovich in Vasily Petrenko’s hands. This is less the child of ...
1, 3 and 4. The Second and Sixth were played complete ... s “Death and the Maiden” string quartet. The school's Symphony Orchestra next turned to the first movement of Mahler’s Fourth. So suavely ...