This chemical can scar the small airways in the lungs ... contribute to respiratory issues and worsen preexisting lung conditions. Vaping can lead to decreased lung capacity and lung injury ...
India has banned e-cigarettes to protect youth from harm, despite misconceptions about vaping's safety and effectiveness for ...
Within 90 days of quitting vaping your body will have started to repair itself from the damaged caused by the unhealthy habit ...
A chest physician and lung cancer specialist for NHS Greater Manchester has spoken out about the initial findings of Manchester's vaping study. Dr Matt Evison, a lung cancer specialist and ...
Vaping is linked to lung inflammation and a serious condition known as "popcorn lung," which results in scarring of the small airways, leading to respiratory challenges and diminished lung capacity.
Concerns about lung scarring, also known as pulmonary fibrosis, have been raised concerning vaping. While research is ongoing, some studies suggest that additives or contaminants in vape liquids ...
According to NHS Better Health, switching to vaping reduces exposure to toxins that put us at risk of lung disease, heart disease and cancers. Experts claim that the most reliable evidence we have ...