The map of Zealandia also gives an idea of how the continent separated from Gondwana. The mass of rock marked in yellow is ...
A fter centuries of speculation, scientists have officially confirmed the existence of Zealandia, an enormous submerged continent that was lost to history for nearly 400 years.Spanning an ...
coherent landmass lost beneath the sea. The realization of Zealandia's existence was almost accidental. Nick Mortimer humorously noted how strange it was to uncover a continent in the 21st century ...
Only recently, scientists mapped the hidden continent of Zealandia located in the Southern Ocean. Africa's split "will be just another move in this giant geological playbook," said IFL Science.
This includes two articles slated for the March-April 2017 print issue: "Quaternary Rupture of a Crustal Fault Beneath Victoria, British Columbia, Canada," by K.D. Morell and colleagues, and ...
The geopark offers exceptional insights into the history of the Earth’s eighth continent, Zealandia, or Te Riu-a-Māui in Maori. The geopark provides evidence of the formation of Zealandia, which broke ...