Millions of animals are at risk, but what are the rarest animals in the world? These are some of the most endangered animals, ...
The vaquita has been classified as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species since 1996. Scientists more recently announced that only 10 vaquita porpoises likely remain in the ...
Further investigation is needed to determine the species. A large number of fly eggs were found on the porpoise during a surface examination in 2017. During the dissection, the scientists also ...
The Yangtze river’s finless porpoise is one of the very few porpoises (relatives of dolphins and whales) that live in fresh water. Its small size and cute 'smile' make it much loved in China and ...
There are around 90 described cetacean species in the world. The Museum's recent acquisition offers scientists a unique opportunity to solve some of the mysteries surrounding one of the least-known of ...
These nets target shrimp and a variety of fish, including totoaba, an endangered species whose swim bladder ... areas of the Gulf of California on the list of World Heritage sites that are in danger.
Read the following text, and answer questions 1-9 below: [1] The Yangtze finless porpoise is declining in population. Attempts to save them include fishing bans to raise public awareness and even ...