In the span of a few years, lionfish spread from the coast of the US to the Bahamas and throughout the Caribbean. The invasive species is devastating ecosystems, eating everything in its path.
This is a summary of “ A father and son duo fight invasive lionfish on a Honduran reef ” by Fritz Pinnow. Banner image of the Motiños hunting lionfish. Image by Fritz Pinnow for Mongabay.
In fact, lionfish are considered to be one of the most invasive species in saltwater. Its native range includes portions of the South Pacific and Indian oceans. However, it has spread to various ...
Off the coast of Miami, divers are gearing up for a lionfish derby, organized for the first time by Diver’s Paradise, to help ...
Lionfish reproduce quickly, and increasing ocean temperatures have increased the range of their viable habitat. As their numbers increase in an area and they overwhelm other native species ...
Two women are working to save the coral reef from the invasive lionfish, using it as a sustainable teaching tool and cooking it into everything from tacos to fish and chips. Curacao is facing an ...
A pair of lionfish from the museum's collection. The specimen on the right is from the fish's native range in the Pacific. The much larger specimen on the left is from Curacao, where the fish is ...