Lay-bys are the “grimmest places on earth ... are just some of the “horrendous” items found alongside the road by volunteers of litter pickers. SIGN OUR PETITION: CALLING FOR HARSHER ...
"But somebody needs to tackle this on a national basis because these lay-bys - wherever you go - it's the same thing, isn't it?" The Road Haulage Association (RHA) has been campaigning for more ...
PLUS Malaysia Berhad (PLUS) refers to the letter headlined “Construct lay-bys on expressways” which was written by Mr S. Sundareson recently, requesting for more lay-bys to be built on ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Several rest and recreation (R&R) areas and lay-bys along the North-South Expressway (NSE) will close temporarily for maintenance work. PLUS Malaysia Berhad (PLUS) in a statement ...
Mommouthshire County Council also regularly leaves tarmac, soil and other materials at roadside areas which it has said are ...