LEGOs, bring everyone together.” LEGO enthusiasts shared tips, showcased their creations and connected with fellow building block fans. Challenges included building something that began with a ...
However, when we do, we lose sight of the real foundation of DIY fans everywhere: Lego blocks. If you're tired ... it's a Raspberry Pi and a hard drive connected to one another and mounted on ...
Case and point: this NXT project which can sort LEGO pieces. Just dump a bucket of random blocks in a hopper on one end of the machine. One slice at a time, these plastic pieces will be lifted ...
The profoundly ‘atomic’ character of the universe is visible in everyday experience:in raindrops and grains of sand, in the hosts of the living.”Pierre ...
It was no small feat. British “micro artist” David Lindon set a Guinness World Record by creating a microscopic Lego block that is the same size as a human white blood cell — four times ...
Whether you are young, old, or a time traveling Vulcan, something unites all of us globally: the innocent LEGO blocks that encourage creativity over spoon-fed entertainment. Have you noticed the ...