Toru Miyama, chief researcher of ocean physics at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), cited the abnormal flow of the Kuroshio Current as the cause. The Kuroshio ...
Antarctica's remote and mysterious current has a profound influence on the climate, food systems and Antarctic ecosystems. Can we stop it weakening by 2050?
A Kuroshio meander causes an increase in water temperature/evaporation which is then is then blown towards Kanto by summer south winds. The greenhouse effect of water ...
This warming is impacting the course of the Kuroshio Current that flows northward along Japan’s Pacific coastline. The stream of warm water typically makes its way up from the Philippines ...
Scientists in Japan who noticed a drastic shift in glass eel migration patterns sounded the alarm on an underlying issue. As reported by The Japan Times earlier this month, researchers from the ...
Stronger Tropical Cyclones Strengthen the Kuroshio Current, Further Heating High Latitudes (2 of 2) (IMAGE) American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Caption ...
far south of Japan. After hatching, the larvae drift on the North Equatorial Current and the Kuroshio Current and are then carried to Japan and other parts of East Asia. Young eels are called ...