Wataru Nakamura not receiving the Medal of Honor bothered Richard Edlebeck so much that he devoted his final years to searching for justice.
Born in 1929 in Columbus, Ohio, Rosser was one of 17 children. As the oldest of the bunch, he was naturally very protective ...
which consisted of Chon conferring Korean Peace Medals on four local Korean War veterans to thank them for helping rescue half the Korean peninsula 70 years ago from Communist domination ...
During the Korean War, Lt. j.g. John Koelsch ... Wilkins and Neal were subsequently awarded the Prisoner of War Medal after they were released. Neal also received the Navy Cross for his actions ...
Minister, chaplain, and author Dr. Billy Holland writes about Staff Sgt. Reckless, a horse who became a Korean War hero.
In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the ROK-US alliance, KUSAF and KDVA investigated the status of fallen US soldiers who were killed by hostile acts of North Korean military.
Medals were also posthumously awarded ... of people's volunteers for the entire period of the war. They provided assistance to the Korean People's Army in battles against South Korean troops ...
Consul General Won-sam Chang participated in the Ambassador for Peace Medal Ceremony hosted by Senator Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania on Wednesday, August 25. Eleven Korean War veterans were awarded the ...
The New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs is now issuing commemorative Afghanistan and Iraq War medals ...