The Inuit hunted seals, polar bears, walruses and beluga whales on the coast and caribou and musk ox on the tundra. (Scene from Canada: A People's History, shot in Back River, Nunavut) The white ...
Adds tour director Thomas Lennartz: "People who come ... What to Eat or Drink: Tundra campers typically bring homemade or purchased dehydrated meal packs. Only local Inuit are allowed to hunt ...
Through modern and staged historical sequences about the Inuit way of life (reenacted with the community), we learn that the islands' people still gather eiderdown to make their parkas.
The Inuit and the Saami people can tell a ... This place is particularly important for the Saami people, who fear the tundra ...
At the heart of Tundra to Table is the purity of the ingredients ... to offer this kind of culinary collaboration with local Inuit chefs.
In many ways, this is a work of extraordinary realism—the rocky stretch of tundra in which the scene is set, the sheet of plywood on which Inuit women ... such as Untitled (People, Animals ...