Keeping indoor spaces cool and fresh becomes a top priority during summer. Why always depend on air conditioners and fans ...
The Aglaonema Red Lipstick plant purifies the air, boosts humidity, and reduces stress. It is low-maintenance. It adds beauty to the decor ...
You may need a few of these for your indoor plant collection. Every gardener dreams of turning a greenhouse into their own ...
Thanks to its acidic nature, apple cider vinegar makes an excellent remedy against plant fungus. Mix one tablespoon of apple ...
To battle common pests such as aphids and spider mites, you can also prepare a homemade pest spray using dish soap and water.
ZZ plants, which are native to Eastern Africa, are the easiest houseplant to own. Here is your guide to water, prune, and ...
Having the right plants in your bedroom can help you get a better night's sleep and could even help you live longer ...
Indoor plants can bring colour and life to a room, but yellowing leaves and sloping stems can be less inspiring. Experts say there are simple things you can do to help your plants stay vibrant and ...