Sea level of the Indian Ocean is going up by 1.7 mm a year, while the north Indian Ocean is rising at an even faster rate of ...
Minister of earth sciences Jitendra Singh said that decaying phase of El Niño is the most influential mode contributing to ...
Dehradun: Ocean acidification is accelerating at an alarming rate, with ocean surface pH declining globally at –0.
Furthermore, warming of the marine realm due to climate ... in primary and secondary productivity in the northern Indian Ocean in response to a 60% rise in nitrogen deposition.
HT reported on March 14 that the world could cross the 1.5 degrees C long-term global warming threshold by September 2029 if ...
Minister of earth sciences Jitendra Singh said that decaying phase of El Niño is the most influential mode contributing to more than 70 %–80% of observed heatwave days in the Indian Ocean basin ...
It was a packed karaoke night at the Hard Rock Café. Since we’d crept in at the back, two English women had belted out ...