Once dubbed the "world's ugliest animal," the blobfish – scientific name Psychrolutes marcidus – has been named New Zealand's ...
Scientists are just beginning to understand the impact these particles are having on fish, the food chain ... documented the ubiquity of plastics in ocean water samples. Writer Laura Parker ...
Near an island in the South Pacific Ocean, a bright red sea creature with “canine-like” teeth swam around the coral reef.
It showcases the ocean’s little-known creatures with more than 300 images taken during Smith ... There is the Banggai cardinal fish, found only in Indonesia, which keeps its eggs and newly ...
marine-plastic-ocean-fish-microplasticThe naturally oily surface ... The visible trash, along with heartbreaking images of its impact on everything from turtles to birds to whales, has generated ...
an adorable-yet-deadly mini octopus and a group of alien-looking fish babies fused to eggs were some of the stars of a recent ...