The Better Call Saul star needed surgery to place stents in his heart Julie ... blanks of what happened the day of his near-fatal heart attack. Odenkirk, 59, suddenly collapsed on July 27 after ...
She was later told that Kenny had suffered a stroke and a heart attack at the same time ... Diana Stanley, advocate for Palm ...
so get to a safe place and call for help," Middleton said. Age, gender, medical history and family history contribute to risk factors that can increase your chance of having a heart attack.
Marijuana is now legal in many places, but is it safe? Two new studies add to mounting evidence that people who use cannabis are more likely to suffer a heart attack than people who do not use the ...
She was having a heart attack. It happens to more than 800,000 ... with less access to fresh fruit, safe places to walk or access to health care. The quality of your tap water also has an impact.